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Buffalo Bop Bb-LP2041 (LP) (Germany, 1985)

The Bop That Never Stopped, Vol. 33

Artist Title Original Label & Number Date & Source
1. Speeks, Ronnie Pertinent What Is Your Technique
Label shot
King (Ohio) 45-5548  1961/Oct. 9
Bb pop rev.
2. Rainier, Chris Borderline Eleven O'Clock
Label shot
Red Hed (N.J.)  1005  1961
mx series
3. Earl, Johnny Borderline Pull It, Man
Label shot
Gyro (S.C.)  102  1960/July 11
Bb r&b rev.
4. Ciolino, Pete Pertinent Daddy Joe
Label shot
Recorte (N.Y.) 45-401  1958/Feb. 10
Bb pop rev.
5. Lewis, Grady Pertinent I've Got A Feelin'
Label shot
National (loc?)  14446 
(pressed by Southern)
mx series
6. Brooks, Clinton Non-pertinent Tom Duley Rock
Label shot
Apache (Fla.) AR-1828 
(pressed by RCA)
1960/Nov. 7
Bb ad or art.
7. Strawn, Ron Borderline Drivin'
Label shot
Eko (Ill.)  503 
(pressed by RCA)
1958/June 2
Bb r&b rev.
8. Lee, Tommy Borderline Jingle Rock
Label shot
Gaity (Minn.)  181/2  
9. Speeks, Ronnie Pertinent Please Wait For Me
Label shot
King (Ohio) 45-5548  1961/Oct. 9
Bb pop rev.
10. Tennant, Jimmie Pertinent Giggle Wiggle
Label shot
Thunder (Fla.) 45-1000   
11. Robbie & Joe No rating She's Gonna Gonna Gonna Be Mine
Label shot
Great (Mass.) 45-4700-V 1962/Jan. 20
Bb pop rev.
12. Kerby, John Pertinent Get Hot Or Go Home
Label shot
Diane (Tenn.)  4000  1964/Oct.
BMI clear.

Acknowledgments:  Kurt Krauter

Compilation & presentation © 2019, Terry E. Gordon This page generated on 02/17/2025

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